
May 17, 2022

World Telecommunications Day: The central role of connectivity

World telecommunications day, mobile, 5G, Mobile UK

Today, 17 March, marks World Telecommunications Day. This date has been marked annually since 1969, to encourage international cooperation in all forms of telecommunication. Since conception it has been at the centre of advances in communications – from telegraphy through to the modern world of satellites, mobile phones, and the Internet.

This year's World Telecommunications Day theme seeks to raise awareness of the important role telecommunications plays in supporting people to stay connected. The pandemic spotlighted the importance of connectivity in our daily routines and how increased mobile connectivity offers immense potential to deliver economic, political, and societal benefits.  

The build of mobile infrastructure (masts, base stations) is required to ensure connectivity goals are met and to tackle capacity issues.

As the voice of the UK’s mobile industry, we have launched our campaign calling for government investment in Digital Champions (specific job roles within local authorities which focus on driving economic growth, tackling digital exclusion and the facilitating innovation in health and social care services).

These Digital Champions roles need to be fully funded. They should be senior positions with political support from a senior (preferably Cabinet-Level or equivalent) councillor responsible for digital strategy, policy, and the Digital Champion role.

Our latest published report explores the foundation of our campaign Building Mobile Britain: The Case For Local Authority Digital Champions report and explains how important mobile communications are to how society communicates and conducts business.  

The report cites research highlighting that where councils already have dedicated and funded Digital Champions, they are four times more likely to deliver a smooth rollout of mobile telecommunications infrastructure. Further to this, the report explains that without adequate focus and funding the UK will continue to face barriers in meeting its 2030 target for the majority of households to be connected to 5G.  

Visit our Digital Champions page on our site to read the report and find out more details.

About Building Mobile Britain

Building Mobile Britain logo

Building Mobile Britain is a campaign created by Mobile UK seeking to work with national and local government, as well as interested industry groups to overcome the challenges we face with expanding the existing mobile networks, while also developing innovative services for customers.

See here for further information - or #BuildingMobileBritain

Media Contacts

Gareth Elliott
Head of Policy and Communications
Tel: 07887 911 076

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