
March 10, 2021

Wales – Revised Code of Best Practice Published

Code of Best Practice, mobile. 5G, 4G

The Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Network Development for Wales has been updated replacing the existing document which dates from 2003. Whilst many of the principles outlined in that document are still relevant, over the last twenty years there have been multiple changes in mobile technology, including 4G and 5G, and indeed societal expectations relating to telecommunications and the infrastructure required to support mobile phone networks.

Over 95% of households in the UK own at least one mobile phone. The ubiquity of mobile telecommunications means that it is an essential element of modern life and Mobile UK welcomes this updated document which has been jointly refreshed by the industry and the Welsh Government to further support the roll out and upgrade of the mobile phone networks.

This document replaces the code of best practice published by the Welsh Government in 2003. It has been produced jointly between the Welsh Government, planning authorities and the mobile industry in the light of changes to the planning legislation and policy and is intended to facilitate the smooth roll-out and upgrading of mobile telecommunications apparatus in Wales.

The intent for this code of best practice is to:

  • support the roll out of mobile phone infrastructure and to provide guidance with regards to the complex requirements associated with network deployment;
  • set out an engagement framework for mobile network operators and planning authorities when considering applications for prior approval and/or full planning permission for the improvement of mobile networks;
  • seek to avoid areas of conflict and to minimise any perceived adverse impacts with the provision of telecommunications equipment; and
  • support a more collaborative approach to the deployment and improvement of digital connectivity throughout Wales.

The Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Development for Wales can be downloaded via the Welsh Government here and via Mobile UK here.

About Building Mobile Britain

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Building Mobile Britain is a campaign created by Mobile UK seeking to work with national and local government, as well as interested industry groups to overcome the challenges we face with expanding the existing mobile networks, while also developing innovative services for customers.

See here for further information - or #BuildingMobileBritain

Media Contacts

Gareth Elliott
Head of Policy and Communications
Tel: 07887 911 076

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