October 4, 2021
#Talking5G with Cllr Mark Hawthorne MBE, Digital Champion for the LGA and Leader of Gloucestershire County Council

Te fourth entry in our #Talking5G series comes from the Local Government Association’s Digital Champion and Gloucestershire County Leader, Councillor Mark Hawthorne MBE.
Elected to Gloucester City Council in 1998 at the age of 22, Mark Hawthorne has many years of political experience under his belt; he is particularly passionate about innovating the local area to benefit all and specifically in the opportunities that digital connectivity can offer to further this aim.
Mark expresses this in his #Talking5G contribution, explaining the range of connectivity benefits 5G is already providing and how it helps in our day-to-day lives. Mark goes on to explain how 5G will enable councils and councillors to deliver their digital transformation strategies and uses real life examples to illustrate and explain this. As examples, he states how 5G will allow us to use smart data, deliver smart services and create smart communities.
Mark explains that:
“whether it’s social care through to tourism, 5G is going to be a transformational technology for the services that we as councils deliver, providing real change to how we communicate and engage with our communities.”
Finally, Mark goes on to explain how councillors play an integral role in ensuring local communities have a better awareness and understanding of 5G. He further outlines the importance of dispelling the myths around 5G explaining how councillors should focus on selling the benefits of 5G and connectivity to local communities as we build a smarter and more connected world.
Be sure to watch our latest #Talking5G video here.
Learn more about Cllr Mark Hawthorne via Twitter, Gloucester City Council here and the Local Government Association here.

About Building Mobile Britain

Building Mobile Britain is a campaign created by Mobile UK seeking to work with national and local government, as well as interested industry groups to overcome the challenges we face with expanding the existing mobile networks, while also developing innovative services for customers.
See here for further information - or #BuildingMobileBritain
Media Contacts
Gareth Elliott
Head of Policy and Communications
Tel: 07887 911 076