
July 8, 2020

Chancellor must expedite mobile-friendly policy reforms to underpin economic recovery

As part of the Chancellor’s financial statement Mobile UK has suggested a package of measures that will help mobile operators to deploy new next-generation networks which will help underpin the nation’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

The pandemic has drastically reshaped the economy and society as a whole. The physical movement away from centralised workplaces to remote working has been rapid and, has proved the case that this new way of working is often viable and in many cases, preferable. This includes from the perspective of reducing congestion, improving the environment and air quality, and it is now expected that much of these changes are unlikely to be ever fully reversed.

The mobile network operators will underpin this new ultra-connected normal and policy reforms, both those in train and those required to deliver initiatives such as rapid 5G deployment, upgrades to 4G and the Shared Rural Network, must be expedited. It is now essential to ensure that in this ‘new normal’ policy reflects the changes experienced and pivots towards digital infrastructure.

Mobile UK has suggested the following measures to support the mobile network operators to continue to provide the coverage and capacity needed today and into the future:

  • Introduce Business Rates Relief for new mobile infrastructure development, especially in harder to reach areas.
  • Continue to promote full-fibre deployment to facilitate mobile and 5G rollout.
  • Full support for network redeployment and reformatting to assist the industry in complying with government-mandated requirements as part of the TSR.
  • Treasury support across Government for the rapid reform of the Permitted Development Rights system.
  • Support for wider and more effective adoption of the reformed Electronic Communications Code.

Commenting on the package of measures submitted to the Chancellor, Hamish MacLeod, Director at Mobile UK, said:

“The pandemic has dramatically changed how the economy functions. It is imperative that to support the new ultra-connected world policy and support packages pivot to assisting the deployment of current and next-generation mobile networks.”

Mobile UK’s full submission to the Chancellor can be found here.

About Building Mobile Britain

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Building Mobile Britain is a campaign created by Mobile UK seeking to work with national and local government, as well as interested industry groups to overcome the challenges we face with expanding the existing mobile networks, while also developing innovative services for customers.

See here for further information - or #BuildingMobileBritain

Media Contacts

Gareth Elliott
Head of Policy and Communications
Tel: 07887 911 076

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