
March 15, 2021

#5GCheckTheFacts: How will 5G improve the creative industries?

5g, #5GCheckTheFacts, Mobile, Creative Industries

As part of our latest campaign - #5GCheckTheFacts – we have published a series of mini packs; the latest offers detailed information on how 5G will further revolutionise the use of digital tools in the creative industries, and highlights just some of the ways 5G will continue to support the tech revolution in the sector, completely changing business models and enabling new immersive experiences to become commonplace.

With details of studies, trial projects and reports on the difference 5G will make, this new mini pack offers tangible insight and clear statistics on the benefits, as well as addressing some of the common areas of concerns about this new game-changing technology.

From connecting audiences and artists seamlessly through immersive entertainment, enabling a new generation of how we view sporting events through to supporting remote production of live broadcasts and revolutionising the future of mobile gaming, the potential feels limitless.

Once this technology is distributed widely, it is predicted that mobile journalism will dominate the news as reporters will be able to produce, record, edit and stream studio-quality video in the field.

The #5GCheckTheFacts has been created to inform, educate, and debunk the myths surrounding 5G and health.  

As you will all be aware, despite the research and scientific evidence, over recent years public opinion has been swayed by inaccurate, non-factual reports and conspiracy theories that state mobile phones, and particularly 5G, poses a danger to your health.   

Following extensive research, we found that while only avery small minority are against 5G, many were unclear of the benefits 5G will bring beyond consumer convenience.  

We know that with greater understanding comes a greater desire to understand the facts so our aim is to raise awareness of the societal benefits of 5G, to encourage people to take interest in this game-changing technology. 

You can view and download the new mini pack series, as well as information toolkits, fact sheets, and infographics related to 5G and health from We can also supply a series of social media GIFs which help bust the myths and highlight key benefits of 5G for the creativeindustries with you on request. 

Please do share the campaign with colleagues and associates, visit our website, review the materials, and follow the campaign on our social media channels @MobileUK_News. 

We will use #5GCheckTheFacts to help spread the facts about 5G and we urge you to adopt this hashtag in your own communications. Our intention is that this is used far beyond our own campaign and acts as a signpost to factual, scientific evidence about 5G. 

If you would like any further information or discuss thecampaign, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

About Building Mobile Britain

Building Mobile Britain logo

Building Mobile Britain is a campaign created by Mobile UK seeking to work with national and local government, as well as interested industry groups to overcome the challenges we face with expanding the existing mobile networks, while also developing innovative services for customers.

See here for further information - or #BuildingMobileBritain

Media Contacts

Gareth Elliott
Head of Policy and Communications
Tel: 07887 911 076

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